Square Enix's saga reaches full maturity with this long awaited sequel, while Omega Chaos Rings was conceived as a prequel to the first title, Chaos Rings II presents a new story, a spectacular technical section, evolved combat system, deeper characters and a narrative clearly improved. Comes the king of the J-RPG on the App Store.
The sequels are part of the business model of Square Enix from the beginning-before and after its merger with franchises business-rather than consecrated as Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and Kingdom Hearts, and other classic masterpieces in the genre of J- RPG. Whether more or less success, the various renditions of their most successful franchises are continuing and it seems that this business model will change in the near future. In collaboration with Media Vision launched the market in 2010 Chaos Rings, a J-RPG exclusive to IOS devices only achieved remarkable critical and commercial success. How could it be otherwise, the following year came the prequel Omega, which proved too much continuity, falling only slightly below the original.
A new storyline
With the idea of overcoming the first two titles comes a sequel with enough new features to surprise fans of this young and interesting franchise IOS. Keeping the style of Final Fantasy, Chaos Rings takes many elements of their fetish saga, though presents us with a strong personality, resulting in a different formula and highly recommended for fans of the genre. In this case, the title is surprising for its careful technical section and a revised gameplay for the occasion, avoiding some rather bizarre decisions of the previous Chaos Rings and resulting in a J-RPG rounder in all its aspects.
It is important to clarify that despite maintaining the name and add a II, it is not a direct sequel, the title does not follow the story of the first Chaos Rings, so those who expect to continue the adventure of the first title will be disappointed. This time the adventure does not focus on actors as partners in previous releases, although it will continue to struggle with two characters, the plot centers in Darwin, a young mercenary with a dark past to be undertaken by a terrible job, in a devastated world, time has stopped by divine forces and the only solution lies with the killing of five innocent souls. His mission is complicated when Darwin realizes that one of his victims is Marie, his childhood friend.
A world without life
From here, both Darwin and his companions must break through this barren world, trying to find the solution to suffering. During our adventure we can control different characters, which add dynamism to its gameplay. We have at our disposal a "home" where our heroes can rest, recover magical strength, investigate or buy items. From here we descend to the underworld to move forward, the scenarios they look unbeatable, represented a very attractive style of painting that reminds us that the world is completely stopped. To this we must add a unique character models, very well detailed and with a well-defined animations.
Using the touch screen is excellent IOS devices, allowing our players move through the stages in a simple and intuitive. They must add the ease with which we can use the abilities of each character, Marie, for example, can move floating platforms to build bridges that allow us to move forward. Li Hua, by contrast, can tear down walls thanks to its great strength, while Araki is capable of breaking barriers with his sword with ease. And all with the swipe of your finger across the screen. We can always go back to previous areas to further explore and increase our experience points or find objects that have left behind.
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