jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011

Facebook now states may have more than 60 000 characters

CALIFORNIA .- The message was short on social networks are starting to fall behind. While the texts written by Twitter users still have to be 140 characters inFacebook are longer. In fact, much longer: over 60 000 characters.

In a post published yesterday on the social network, Vadim Lavrusik, program manager for Journalists announced Facebook Facebook now accept comments up to 63,206 characters.

This means that states, messages in other people's walls and even the comments on photos may be that extension. To put this in perspective, according Lavrusik, a novel "average" could be written in just 9 states Facebook.

The evolution of the size allowed for the texts in the social network has been interesting. As of March 2009 could have 160 posts carateres. That month 420 were authorized in July this year reached 500. In September 5000 accepted characters per message and now, three months later, we reached 63 206.

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