viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012

Infinity Blade II

By Chair Entertainment Group, LLC

The first installment of Infinity Blade arrived great excitement preceded by being the first title in the App Store using the Unreal Engine, which showed a level graph light years ahead of the rest of the list of IOS devices, especially iPad. The promises were fulfilled, for his technical level was overwhelming, although some of the public was disappointed because the gameplay was somewhat limited by being a title almost on rails, which left little room for exploration and merely get us fully into sword and sorcery battles against creatures of all kinds, in a fairly repetitive. Still, we can not deny the quality and production values ​​of this new franchise is set in a world of medieval fantasy action.
With the advent of the iPhone 2, Infinity Blade received an update that improved his already brilliant technical section and added more dungeons, options and an interesting multiplayer mode. After twelve months, the critical and commercial expectations for this sequel has been enormous, since it was announced that he would use to maximize the benefits of the new iPhone 4S. Promises have been re-enforced and can say it has set a new roof graphics on mobile devices, without a doubt. But the news does not end here, since the action of the first game focused on participating in intense fighting with swords, the developers chose to provide an accessible battle system, but for many too simple. In this sequel, the guys from Chair Entertainment wanted to provide more moves, weapons and spells, a success.
Of course, those who expect to find an open world to explore at will may feel somewhat disappointed, as Infinity Blade II is fully continuity with its first part, again, this is a completely predefined title, where the only thing we will take part in their struggles, now much more rewarding and varied, with more options and a more cinematic, if possible. Initial reports of the title overwhelmed us a glimmer of hope by promising more freedom, in fact, to which was referred its developers as many paths to choose and the ability to move the camera at will to give a small concession to the search for secrets.
The centerlines of Infinity Blade is its intense fighting, leveling our character and improvements of our arms-well, who loved his first adventure, can be satisfied with this sequel, as the options and gameplay have multiplied and improved. The argument is directly above the title, after emerging victorious from the previous cross, the young Siris must face each and every one of the challenges that separate it from the Sword of Infinity. The script is quite usual, but we will immerse ourselves completely in the complex narrative of the title, which can sometimes be confusing. But more impressive are those battles, we see the most exciting new features.
Following the foundation of the first game, where the defense was the key element in battles in order to achieve unbalance the opponent-in Infinity Blade II has boosted the combined motions, we'll link to know to survive the fierce fighting. Also, we know dispense these movements, since this time will be finite and we sold to our opponents if exhausted. Also been improved movement to repel the attacks of our enemies with your weapon, in general, the detection of the movements of our finger on the screen gains a lot. Although the big news of the title are the new kinds of weapons, divided into three categories: double grip, two hands and weapon and shield.

London 2012: Official Join In App for the Olympic and Paralympic Games

By The London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Limited

In the summer of 2012 London and the UK will come alive with events, celebrations and activities during the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The Official London 2012 Join In app is a mobile guide to help you plan, enjoy and share your Games experience. 

This FREE app is an essential planning tool for everyone, whether you have tickets for a sporting event or not. From the start of the Olympic Torch Relay to the Olympics and Paralympics, the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, plus all the cultural, city and community celebrations happening across the UK, Join In is your essential companion.

The Join In app is easy to browse and use. Wondering what’s going on this summer? Use the search and filtering tools to find out what’s happening near you. Going to the Olympics or Paralympics? Find out what you need to know, from how to get there to what’s cool in the Olympic Park. Trying to meet your friends but can’t find them? Share a pin with them on a map. Want a reminder about something you are planning to do? Add events to your personal schedule and set an alert to remind you.

Key features include:
What’s on: full and up-to-date event listings for thousands of exciting activities, including free events, across London and the UK – find out what’s happening near you, on an hour-by-hour basis.

Torch today: view the Olympic Torch Relay with street-level routes for 1000+ communities over 70 days, and details of Torchbearers. View the current Torch position in real time using the Torch Tracker function. See daily video highlights and photos as the Torch Relay unfolds.

Paralympic Torch Relay: find out about the Flame Festivals taking place across the UK in August.

See and do: full listings for London 2012 Festival cultural events, big screens (Live Sites) and hundreds of free events and celebrations taking place.
Spectator guide: get searchable maps, details of facilities, augmented reality views and information about how to get the best out of your historic day out.
Plan your journey: plan the best route to get to competition venues.

Road events: find out about free medal events such as the Marathon and Road Cycling Race, including route information and where to watch them.
Jump to: interactive, searchable maps of the Olympic and Paralympic Torch Relays, the UK, London and the Olympic Park.
Detail maps: access and seating maps for the Olympic Park and 20+ venues.
Live updates: news, photos and social commentary from the Games.
My Games: create a personal schedule creation to help you plan your Olympic and Paralympic experience.
Facebook, Twitter and FourSquare integration: tweet, upload photos, post to your wall, check-in and let your friends know what you're doing.
Augmented Reality: use your camera phone to view overlays showing the key venues.
The Join In app is available in English only, but useful for anyone around the world interested in the Olympics and Paralympics, or visiting the UK during the summer of 2012.

iBasket Free

By ideateca

Free iBasket basketball is a game where you have to try to get as many baskets as we can in one minute and a half. To launch just have to calculate the trajectory to follow the ball.

It's a silly game and fast. Of those who play the same twice and say "go stupid". Because it is, is nonsense, but you can chop. Of course it's amazing to see the scores that people get to do.

We already knew this game in flash application version to play on the computer, and we knew it is entertaining. The iPhone version is perfect, just move the finger trajectory, although sometimes a bit awkward because the shots a bit closer you cover the ball with your thumb.

martes, 24 de julio de 2012

Real Racing 2 HD

By Firemint Pty Ltd

The smell of burning rubber on the tarmac, the feel of estamparte in the next curve that has gone wrong and be aware that you will lose the race, have the best car you can afford to be progressing and gaining a name in the motor world ... dreams are fulfilled perfectly thanks to 'Gran Turismo 5' or 'Forza Motorsport'.

That's all very well but is there something similar to IOS devices? And we can not always devote the time necessary for the big games and have a driving need Alternatively, if you have the right platform, you can always come in handy. Today I want to talk about 'Real Racing 2 HD', one of the last games I bought for iPad and that has totally amazed me. No doubt we are at the "Gran Turismo" or "Forza Motorsport" the gadget from Apple. Welcome to your analysis.

Understand me when I compare those two games and put yourself in position. It is incomparable, I know, but so are the platforms and I mean just the idea of ​​play. This idea rests on three pillars. A pointer graphic appearance on the platform, the ability to drive and improve real car models and going to improve, race after race, our achievements and our reputation as a driver to be someone in the racing world.

Three pillars to come together in this 'Real Racing 2 HD' and also do so in a very elegant way.

Talk about 'Real Racing 2 HD' is talk of a AAA iPad. So clear. The game is flawless in production. From the menus, videos, the feeling exuded by the GUI, graphics, lighting, modeling cars ... darling, this is not a product made to make money fast the user or a product to take advantage of the pull of licenses , no.

We are facing the best driving game for iPhone and there are broken horns to make it happen.
In these cases the game will hit a few small hitches, nothing to worry about, and pause. Usually nothing happens, but if we take forward in the turn and while we take the slipstream of an opponent may end up losing control and hitting us the ostia father. Unfortunately there is not much we can do about it, however keep in mind that they are sometimes told.

The modeling of the car is perfect, colorful and scenarios full of detail, accurately modeled interiors taking into account the actual design, the behavior of cars in the curves, the reflexes in the body ... we are talking about a game for a tablet so compared with desktop console titles is meaningless but the overall quality is very high and bright screen helps iPad seem even better.

But one thing that stands out from the rest and if you have the fortune to try it on a iPad 2 you will see. We compete in a race of 16 cars at once and all are displayed when running with iPad 2, than with the original iPad we would "only" 8. All in great detail and losing parts shocks (front, rear and side mirrors, for example).

At this point, and after reviewing the great strengths you might wonder at the visual, and how far this fast? And I answer that much, that the frame rate is stable and that the game is running smoothly most of the time. Of course, we IOS device and depends on how you may have configured could have applications in the background and alert to receive an email or a message from a messaging client.

Chaos Rings II


Square Enix's saga reaches full maturity with this long awaited sequel, while Omega Chaos Rings was conceived as a prequel to the first title, Chaos Rings II presents a new story, a spectacular technical section, evolved combat system, deeper characters and a narrative clearly improved. Comes the king of the J-RPG on the App Store.

The sequels are part of the business model of Square Enix from the beginning-before and after its merger with franchises business-rather than consecrated as Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and Kingdom Hearts, and other classic masterpieces in the genre of J- RPG. Whether more or less success, the various renditions of their most successful franchises are continuing and it seems that this business model will change in the near future. In collaboration with Media Vision launched the market in 2010 Chaos Rings, a J-RPG exclusive to IOS devices only achieved remarkable critical and commercial success. How could it be otherwise, the following year came the prequel Omega, which proved too much continuity, falling only slightly below the original.

A new storyline
With the idea of ​​overcoming the first two titles comes a sequel with enough new features to surprise fans of this young and interesting franchise IOS. Keeping the style of Final Fantasy, Chaos Rings takes many elements of their fetish saga, though presents us with a strong personality, resulting in a different formula and highly recommended for fans of the genre. In this case, the title is surprising for its careful technical section and a revised gameplay for the occasion, avoiding some rather bizarre decisions of the previous Chaos Rings and resulting in a J-RPG rounder in all its aspects.

It is important to clarify that despite maintaining the name and add a II, it is not a direct sequel, the title does not follow the story of the first Chaos Rings, so those who expect to continue the adventure of the first title will be disappointed. This time the adventure does not focus on actors as partners in previous releases, although it will continue to struggle with two characters, the plot centers in Darwin, a young mercenary with a dark past to be undertaken by a terrible job, in a devastated world, time has stopped by divine forces and the only solution lies with the killing of five innocent souls. His mission is complicated when Darwin realizes that one of his victims is Marie, his childhood friend.

A world without life
From here, both Darwin and his companions must break through this barren world, trying to find the solution to suffering. During our adventure we can control different characters, which add dynamism to its gameplay. We have at our disposal a "home" where our heroes can rest, recover magical strength, investigate or buy items. From here we descend to the underworld to move forward, the scenarios they look unbeatable, represented a very attractive style of painting that reminds us that the world is completely stopped. To this we must add a unique character models, very well detailed and with a well-defined animations.

Using the touch screen is excellent IOS devices, allowing our players move through the stages in a simple and intuitive. They must add the ease with which we can use the abilities of each character, Marie, for example, can move floating platforms to build bridges that allow us to move forward. Li Hua, by contrast, can tear down walls thanks to its great strength, while Araki is capable of breaking barriers with his sword with ease. And all with the swipe of your finger across the screen. We can always go back to previous areas to further explore and increase our experience points or find objects that have left behind.

Angree Birds Space For IOS

Angry Birds Space, crushing pigs in space

Last February Rovio made ​​known that the return of "Angry Birds" was almost ready. The franchise, despite its constant updates with new birds and situations, seemed to have stalled. Neither the new birds shown in 'Angry Birds Seasons' or marketing machinery that surrounded 'Angry Birds Rio' seemed to be enough to keep sales forever. Maybe the game would continue to be profitable, but had to find a solution for the future. The birds needed to evolve, a sequel with all broke the law and continue to maintain schemes and attracting faithful. The answer was 'Angry Birds Space'.

Hand in hand with NASA and National Geographic, Rovio has a game that aims to follow the trail of "learning by playing" the industry has always in the background. Its creators point out that 'Angry Birds Space' aims to become a platform where players can learn more about space, including documents and photographs that add a didactic point of the game.

lunes, 23 de julio de 2012

Samsung will unveil Galaxy Note II on 15 August

As announced, the new team Galaxy successor Note will even bigger screen of 5.5 inches.

According to BGR site specializing in technology, sources close to Samsung they have reported that the Galaxy Note II team will be announced at the press conference that the South Korean company held on 15 August. As noted, the display will be longer and thinner, with 5.5 inches diámtero, exceeding the screen of its predecessor, the Galaxy Note.
the Galaxy Note , launched in October 2011 and due to the large screen of 5.3 inches is recognized as a hybrid between a tablet and a cell phone.